

All views expressed in this blog are purely our own opinion. We aim to be honest but not offensive. If you don't like what you read, stop reading. If we've reviewed one of your products and you don't like what we've said, don't get cross with us, go away and think about how you can address the issues we've raised.

Our reviews are 100% objective. Receiving free gear to review will not bias our opinion; in other words, our integrity can not be bought. If you provide us with gear to review and we have concerns, we will give you the opportunity to respond to said concerns prior to publishing the review, although it will not alter the content of the review itself.

Rob: Where possible I always try to make comparisons in my reviews, to highlight other options and also show that I have considered these options. Though prices constantly fluctuate, comparisons will be to similarly-priced products at the time of writing as I feel this is a fair indicator of how a product performs alongside its contemporaries.


All photographs are our own work unless stated, and we are the copyright holders. Any unauthorised use will result in a severe telling off.
On the rare occasion we may use someone else's photographs, full credit will be given. If you would like us to remove such photo's, please contact us via the email on the contacts page.

Comments by Others:

Feel free to post comments where the facility is enabled, but don't be a nob. Any vulgar or offensive posts will be removed, so save yourself the stress and hassle of typing it out and just don't bother.

While all posts will be moderated, we believe in the right to free speech so long as it doesn't cause offense to others, and any comments made are the opinions of the respective authors. We take no responsibility for the accuracy or content of such comments, although we may choose to respond to incorrect information given in said comments.

External Links:

We provide links to external sites that we have found useful or informative, but we take no responsibility for the accuracy of content provided on these sites. Links are posted without prior permission or consent. If we have linked to your site and you would like us to remove said link, please contact us on the email provided on our contacts page.

Wild Camping:

Wild camping in the UK (excluding Scotland) is technically illegal without the landowners permission, and all land is owned. Dartmoor is one exception to this rule, where wild camping is allowed with some conditions.
While not strictly legal, wild camping is often tolerated, and there a variety of do's and don't's that you should abide by- none of which we can tell you because we cannot advocate breaking the law. Bottom line- do your research, be respectful and have a back-up plan just in case you get asked to move on by a friendly ranger.

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