Saturday 27 April 2024


Despite my best intentions, I've once again been neglecting this blog. In part that's because I haven't really been anywhere over the last few years (I'm intending to rectify that - see my next post).

However, today something happened that I couldn't not share. Sat on the porch having my morning coffee, I looked up to find the sky full of birds. Big birds. Our first thought was eagles, as we do get them round here, but there were so many of them - well over thirty - that this didn't seem to fit with what we know of their habits. 

After a time they moved from circling overhead to settling on the mountainside opposite, so we went down to get a better view. From there we could see they were vultures (Eurasian Griffon Vultures, as identified by a local bird sanctuary) and had obviously found something to feast on. We were able to watch and photograph them for well over an hour before they took off over the other side of the mountain.

Here's a selection of some of the better photos I managed to capture: